Mr. Lucky Sharta is a 74 years old man from Ovwian in Udu L.G.A, Delta State. He used to be a successful fisherman but with the help of hypnosis. After his repentance he abandoned the hypnotic method of fishing. As a result he became jobless. He resorted to riding a tricycle which led to indebtedness. When Hosanna David learnt of it he paid the One Hundred and Seventy Thousand Naira (N170,000) in the year 2020. Life took a down fall for him and his household when he had a stroke, and he has been unable to cater for his family. Since 2022, Mr. Lucky Sharta has been on a monthly allowance of Twenty Thousand Naira (N20,000) till date. The foundation also offered his son Ovie Sharta scholarship through his secondary school education, and he has graduated last year 2024.